Sooo, I love life. I sprained my ankle a month ish ago. So I've been outta commission a little, but this past week I've been getting back into the swang of thangs. Which has been sooo fun :] I've played soccer, frisbee, raquetball, gone to the gym and ran in the past few days. I LUUUHH it. Like I always knew I wasn't good at sitting still, but seriously, life=SOOO much better when you can move. BOMB. Anddd I also got to start new cello music this week, which has been fantastic. Finishing up the second and third movements of Saint Saens and the first Bach suite. Oh, and FREAKING Prokofiev 5. Don't get me wrong, I luhhh it. But the concert's in < 2 weeks. And the third and fourth movements are def still a lil sketch. Anyway, should be good hopefully. This week was also possibly the last week of bowling practice. Not quite sure yet. But I just wanted to express my gratitude for having had this experience. I have been sooo blessed to work with these celestial spirits every week. They make me a better and happier person. It is seiously THE BEST part of my week. I hope to continue being involved in special olympics in the future, cuz its AMAZING. There are a couple pics we took at this last week's practice!Next order of business, This post is called what it is because for the entire month of Feburary I'm not shaving. bahahaha i'm freaking STOKED. I'll let you know how it goes. Or not, yah know. Finally, this bomb quote that I found is something I just wanted to share cuz it's sooo flipping AMAZING. So many things have been better in my life since I have heard this! It's from Elder Holland! And here it is:
"God is
anxiously waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as he always has. But he can't if you don't
pray, and he can't if you don't
dream. In short, he can't if you don't
LOVE IT. The church is true :]
p.s. i love rain.