Thursday, September 10, 2009


Soooooooo, Heavenly Father answers prayers fyi. In case there was any doubt. No but seriously, last Friday [September 4th] I took the ACT. I had talked to my councelor and he said that I needed to get a 27 on the ACT in order to be accepted for Winter semester. I was kinda freakin' out... Last time I only raised my score by one point, and I needed to raise it two points this time. So yah, needless to say, kinda intimidated and scared outta my mind. So, I did the only thing I could do the two or three weeks before the test date. I prayed 24/7 and studied hardcore. Two nights before the test I took a practice test and got a 24. Little bit scary. So I studied and prayed harder the next day. That night I took a practice test and got a 27!!! So at least I knew that I could do it. Oh man, that night it was way hard to sleep. I just wanted the test to be over. So I took it the next day and FREAKED out when the lady handed me my score. Like I hardcore had to bite my tounge to not scream til I got outside. I somehow pulled off a 28 on this test. I got a 29 on English, a 29 on Math, and 28 on Reading, and a 27 on Science. I still don't know how this happened because I am NOT that smart. I KNOW that Heavenly Father helped me get this score so that I could get in to BYU! And because I had asked for help and worked hard I was greatly blessed. I also got into Symphony Orchestra at BYU and can be apart of that class because of answered prayers. Oh man. It's amazing. I'm STOKED out of my mind for the future and know I can do anything now w/ the help of Heavenly Father. I KNOW KNOW KNOW this church is true. I love it. I love BYU i'm STOKED that I getta stay here. Now to get into the music program :] I know w/o a doubt that Heavenly Father knows us all personally and will help us if we just ask and do our part. Here's a picture of my status on the BYU website :]

Love, Pono

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Oh ye fair ones

So I should really be continuing to study for the ACT, but that can wait. Anyway, this post is inspired from a conversation that I had w/ a friend of mine. I got the name from Mormon 6. This is possibly one of the saddest and most tragic chapters of the entire Book of Mormon, and I actually started to tear up a bit when I was reading through it again. Especially verses 16-22. I'm getting ahead of myself though. Just to provide some background knowledge, the Nephites and Lamanites were gathering around Cumorah for final battles, and the Nephites were GREATLY outnumbered. Verse 8 talks about how terrified all of the Nephites were because of the greatness of the Lamanite's numbers. This battle practically wipes out the remainder of the Nephites, leaving Mormon completely deserted. In anguish he cries out to HF, "Oh ye fair ones, how could ye have departed from the ways of the Lord! Oh ye fair ones, how could ye have rejected that Jesus, who stood with open arms to receive you! Behold, if ye had not done this, ye would not have fallen. But behold, ye are fallen, and I mourn your loss." [Verses 17-18] I guess this really hit home to me this time because I've seen too many people lately turn from this amazing and true gospel. I think of one person in particular, and it breaks my heart thinking about what they've done. Of course its never too late, so I will continue to pray like crazy for this person. Anyway, yah just felt like I should write. I LOVE this gospel. I KNOW w/o a doubt that this church is TRUE! I can't wait to go on a mish. The church is true, cherish it and cleave to it faithfully. I have seen the blessings in my life as I have tried harder to do so. Heavenly Father is just waiting to pour out all these amazing blessings on us if we are just obedient and choose the right. I know this.
Love, Pono

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

2 years, 8 months

I can't believe I'm already starting a countdown... UNBELIEVEABLE. haha this is gonna be the longest more than 2 and a half years of my life. But, on the plus time, more time to prepare :] Anyway, just wanted to post a few pics from the adventures of summer term at BYU! it was an ABSOLUTE blast! From primping days, to rebel streaks, to hiking, to tye dye and rock climbing, there was hardly a boring moment. I can't wait to go back in the fall!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Live so that...

So I just switched the name of my blog to "Because they know YOU." This may seem like a random little phrase, but really it comes from the end of one of my favorite quotes. The quote is, "LIVE SO THAT, those who know YOU but don't know him, will want to know him because they know YOU." This is one of my faves because it is one of my main goals in life-to bring people to Christ and the gospel. That's one of the things that has really hit me as I've been at BYU this summer. You need to live your life so that people know who you are and what you stand for. It's like what it says in Alma 5:14, "Have you received his image in your countenance?" This should be our goal. That and to "stand as witnesses of God, at all times, and in all things, and in all places." [Mosiah 18:9] I know that if we strive to do this in our lives we will be greatly blessed! The church is true! I never thought I'd say it, but, I LOVE UTAH! I really hope I can stay down here and go to school here in the winter. We'll see. I love BYU so much. This summer was sooo much fun. I met AMAZING people that I know will be great friends well into the future. Its weird that the guys are starting to leave on their mishs. Like a lot of them aren't coming back for fall because they're leaving in August or October, or are turning their papers in and will be gone before December hits. I love it though. If anything, I'm jealous. I still have 2 years 8 months and 2 days. haha. Oh man, this countdown is worst than my 16th birthday countdown. I'm sure it'll be here before I know it though. Can't wait!!! TTFN ~Pono

Saturday, January 3, 2009


So I was watching The Dead Poet's Society with my family tonight and its a great movie. If you haven't watched it lately, I highly suggest it. Anyway, its so inspiring to watch this movie and make the changes in your life to live the life you love. To make use of your time on earth, cause there's not really that much. Anyway, the movie, for those of you who are not familiar with it, has a sad ending. Tragic in fact. I cried for about half an hour after the movie. But here's the thing: it is possibly THE MOST inspirational movie ever. It's amazing. There's this fantastic message that comes from the English professor of this ivy league school [played by Robin Williams]. His message that he shares with all his students is "Carpe Diem" to "seize the day." His message is to use the time we have to do things we love and are passionate about. To not waste time being "normal" and trying to conform. So, although the movie is more or less a tragedy, I believe that the boys who changed their lives by seizing the day ended up getting more out of their lives than they would of had they not listened to this inspired English professor. I also believe this to be true of our own lives. Sure that may mean taking more risks, being called a freak, getting hurt. However, in the end, I believe that living this principle of "CARPE DIEM" will make all the difference. Always remember "Oh Captain, My Captain." SEIZE THE DAY! Do things you are passionate about, not things that will make you accepted in the world today. The Church is true! Carpe Diem. Until next time.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Find the Joy in your Life

So, I don't exactly know what inspired me to do this, but I decided to start a blog. I've heard a lot about them, and decided I wanted to try it out myself, so w/o further adieu, here goes. I've been thinking a lot about Elder Eyring's talk from General Conference a couple years back entitled, "Write it Down" so I'm going to try to follow through with that here. I will still try to write things down in my other journal as well. Anyway, so one of today's many blessings was blue sky and sunshine. It's been snowing a lot lately and j/ melted last week, so I've been excited to have my wonderful rainy Washington weather back. However, today was amazinggg. First of all, it snowed last night. Not a lot, but about an inch. Snow is beautiful by itself. The white glistening trees, the undisturbed winter ground, and the silence that follows immediatly after snow fall. Today was especially amazing however, because not only had the snow come, but the sun was out and the sky was blue with huge fluffy cumulous nimbus clouds. It was gorgeous. I was also able to watch the Bucket List which was a fabulous movie. At the end there was a letter from one character to another, and the basic message of it was to, "Find the Joy in your Life." This is my goal for everyday. The Church is true! Happy 2009!

Love, Pono