Friday, January 2, 2009

Find the Joy in your Life

So, I don't exactly know what inspired me to do this, but I decided to start a blog. I've heard a lot about them, and decided I wanted to try it out myself, so w/o further adieu, here goes. I've been thinking a lot about Elder Eyring's talk from General Conference a couple years back entitled, "Write it Down" so I'm going to try to follow through with that here. I will still try to write things down in my other journal as well. Anyway, so one of today's many blessings was blue sky and sunshine. It's been snowing a lot lately and j/ melted last week, so I've been excited to have my wonderful rainy Washington weather back. However, today was amazinggg. First of all, it snowed last night. Not a lot, but about an inch. Snow is beautiful by itself. The white glistening trees, the undisturbed winter ground, and the silence that follows immediatly after snow fall. Today was especially amazing however, because not only had the snow come, but the sun was out and the sky was blue with huge fluffy cumulous nimbus clouds. It was gorgeous. I was also able to watch the Bucket List which was a fabulous movie. At the end there was a letter from one character to another, and the basic message of it was to, "Find the Joy in your Life." This is my goal for everyday. The Church is true! Happy 2009!

Love, Pono

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