Friday, June 29, 2012

sometimes I wonder why I didn't choose french horn...

It's just so ep!

I'm listening to Mahler 5 right now and it's INCREDIBLE. Kinda sad I missed it with phil. But it's ok.

Also. Mahler's a stud. I realize I'm only half way through his symphonies, but seriously. He must have been on some musical steroid when composing these cause they are all unbelievable. I legit get goosebumps at the end of EVERY ONE of his symphonies. Sometimes in the middle of the piece. Like, youtube his adagietto from the 5th symphony. It is hauntingly beautiful.

Oh. And the reason for the blog post title is because Mahler is like the king of brass. The parts they have are incredible.

And also I'm watching the Chicago Symphony and look who I've spotted several times.

Well. I love life. The Church is True!

p.s. Pup FINALLY has his mish call! He's opening it in a couple hours. More on that soon.


  1. wait so is this the post about your favorite person of all time? it's a COMPOSER? (anticlimactic) ;)

  2. Not a composer Becs. A french horn player!

    He's sooooo ep.
