Sunday, April 24, 2011

Apt. 19

So, as most of you may know...

I am not the biggest fan of change.

I know, it has to happen. and I usually end up liking the change by the end, but it's just always so hard at the beginning.

but, anyways, I moved into my new apartment yesterday, #19! And yah, just trying to unpack and stuff like that. i kinda like it though. Gives me a chance to move stuff around. Here's my wall so far:

luuuhh it. and yah, I still needa unpack a bunch of stuff, but it's getting better!

Oh! Also, I bought my textbooks for spring. I luuuhh them! There are more notes than words in them! bahah. STOKED. oh man.

And just for funnsies, here's a cute pic of my niece and I.

She's adorable.

The Church is True!

1 comment:

  1. Pono, you have such an amazing attitude about the move. I hope we made the right choice! (Thanks for being a good sport. My family, after helping me move, had their doubts too about moving just one door over..haha). Your walls look GREAT! Tell you what, I'll actually put up a decoration or two this time around ;) See you tomor. night!
