Friday, April 8, 2011

I got peuuur!

So, I have my last french oral exam in a couple hours and a half. And I'm studying for it right now. Kinda feel like a crazy person cause I'm sitting at work talking to myself... but whatev.

But anyway, I was studying and thinking about how I was a little scared about this and I remembered this wonderful phrase that Brady and I made up in high school french. It's funny because to say you're scared in french the formation is the subject, the verb avoir (to have) and then peur (fear). So the literal translation to say it, "J'ai peur" for example, is I have fear.

So, in high school Brady and I would always just say "I got peur." to make fun of it. Haha, yah. Sorry for that random story and reminiscence. Well, back to studying.

The Church is True!

oh yah. and praying in French=the BOMBEST thing ever.

that is all.

1 comment:

  1. bahaha I'm laughing and smiling :) as to be expected. But I bet you OWNED that peur!
