Friday, May 6, 2011

girls will be boys?

bahah. So I just had to share this funnay from earlier today. So in Music Theory we're learning about choral writing and all that good stuff. But our teacher was going over vocal ranges and when he hit the Altos he like started it on a G. And I must have like laughed or made a face or something cause he turned to me slash the class and was like, "Sometimes you'll get Karen Carpenters who can hit this note (he played an F)" And then he turned to me and was like, "Are you an Alto? Can you hit this?" So I sang it. And then just added, "We sang D's in Women's Chorus this year." hah. And then this kid sitting next to me who's in Concert Choir was like, "Yah but Women's Chorus Altos are crazy." So then my teacher hit a D on the piano and I sang it. Couldn't quite stick the C he played after... but yah. it was funny. And now my whole class knows I'm a man. meh. whatev.

whad up Alto 2s?

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