Thursday, November 26, 2015

Day 20 and 21!

Today is Thanksgiving. So I find it fitting that I am finishing this wonderful "gratitude" experiment. It has been really wonderful actually! In fact, I kinda realized how good this has been as I was saying the thanksgiving prayer over the food and just the bountiful blessings that I realized I have. I'm not a super softie, but I was almost brought to tears as I stood in the kitchen with my three brothers, sister-in-laws, and two nieces. I am sooo blessed! It is unreal. Anyways! Here goes. These last two days.

Day 20. I am grateful for:

1. Cute and fluffy animals. Hah. So I gotta sleep at Kalei and Elaine's the night before last. And I ended up passing out on the couch as we were watching something (that never happens ;) ) hah. But I woke up in the middle of the night to find two kitties sleeping right next to me. And though I'm not a big pet person at all, these guys are cute! And they helped keep me warm.

2. My fro. Hah. So I was thinking about it yesterday as my hair was sooo big after running around in the wind and playing Frisbee. And I decided that I luhh my hair! Hah. And that has been a definite work in progress. Over many many years. In middle school after it went curly... I would legit wake up at the crack of dawn and straighten my fro. And it was the worsstt. Cause it took so long. High school came and confidence increased, and I started wearing it curly. And I've been doing that ever since with varying levels of how I've felt about it. But as of late, I've really liked my fro. I feel like it kinda makes me me.

This hair though... (La plage de Magenta en Nouvelle-Calédonie )

3. Getting to talk to mom and dad on the phone. So I getta see lots of my family a lot cause they live down here with me. But I'm grateful for the chances that I get to talk to my parents at home. I usually try to call home on Sundays and its always great catching up with them. Hearing about everything that's happening at home and filling them in on the detes of my life (school, work, cello, #boysz, etc.) Its just always a good time.

And today on this beautiful Thanksgiving day I am grateful for: 

1. My family!! These guys are great. I love the ones that I getta have down her in Utah with me and I miss my sisters and parents in Washington. These guys inspire me and are my biggest cheerleaders. They believe in me when I hardly believe in myself. And they love me even when I offend and make mistakes. And I just love them for that! They are champions and I can't imagine life without them. #blessed

Pretty sure J.J. took this mid-prayer... #maisbon

Family pictures just after pup got home. (About a year ago.)

Post junior recital. (Luh my family.)

2. Cooking slash baking. So I don't do it a lot. I should actually do it a lot more than I do. But making stuff for Thanksgiving today was so fun! And as much as I think sometimes that it's not very creative and you're just following a recipe, it actually is creative and so fun! And I love that you can make it beautiful! (Hah. I'm so French in spirit ;) ) but I am grateful to be able to create beautiful and delicious food that we can eat!

Check out this beautiful plate of food...

3. I am grateful for these beautiful and incredible people: 

Some of the saints from New Cal standing in front of the New Zealand temple.

Sooo story time real fast... Not to brag or anything, but these people are literally the best in the world. Many people in this picture are new converts (like the beautiful family in the middle of the picture that had just gotten sealed before this picture was taken) or members coming back to activity (like the beautiful family off to the right that had just gotten sealed.)

These people are my heroes. Every January the entire stake on New Cal just disappears because they all go to the temple for a month and just live there. For a month. They go in at 6 in the morning and leave at 6 at night. Doing ordinances for themselves and for their ancestors. They do this every day for a month and when they come home they are literally GLOWING. It's absolutely beautiful. And just inspiring to see. I've always loved the temple, but seeing how much THEY loved the temple and what they did to get there once a year and just seeing how they glowed when they came back made me learn to love it that much more. They would come home and immediately start working and saving so that they could take themselves and their family back to the temple. Combien je les aime!!

Well. Iit's game time with the family! But Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! Life is sooo great! And God is good. 

L'évangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Days 17, 18, and 19.

Whoops. Sorry. That wasn't supposed to happen...

Day 17: that was Sunday.

1. So all I could think about as I was sitting in church on Sunday was how incredibly grateful I am to be able to go to church and be inspired slash receive personal revelation through the spirit by the talks that people give or the lessons that are prepared. And I was thinking about how cool and pretty incredible it was that this one guys' talk could touch me so deeply as it did and could inspire me to act, to change a little bit so that I can try to be better.

2. Visiting teaching. I'm grateful for this! Which is actually kinda exciting cause I have not always been the best vt... And I'm sure that it will continue to be something that I need to work on. But! This year I have tried to be better at doing it. And I know that it is important and of God. I love going and I love being visit taught! It's just the best. And I love when you become good friends with your comp and the girls you teach! It's just one big blessing.

3. Board/card games. They are sooo fun! Especially playing with family and friends. I may or may not sometimes act like a crazy person hen playing uno... It's a problem #maisbon hah. Anyways. They are way fun to play and it's just fun to laugh together and to have some friendly competition from time to time.

Day 18: yesterday!

1. Fun holiday themed parties where you can go hang out with friends and (momentarily) forget that you have life responsibilities. haha. But seriously, so fun. And pretty necessary at this time in the year, when tests, juries, papers, and projects abound. So much fun.

2. Chocolate covered cinnamon bears. So I've had this problem lately... Where I'll just go to the BYU Bookstore and buy a pound of these. And then proceed to down them, usually in one sitting #awk hah. They're just so good. And actually to be fair, I usually share them with a friend or two and then eat them in one sitting ;) hah. But you get the point. And I don't have a picture for this one cause, well, they're all in my belly. #getinmabelly

3. Timer pictures. haha. So this little infatuation started on the mission when you'd want pictures with all the missionaries in them (at district meetings/activities or zone things) and no one extra was around to take them. haha. So you'd have everyone get set up, press the button and then book it to get in. Anyways, these are always so fun. Here's one of the most recent from last night :)

Totem pole timer pic! 

Day 19: today!

1. Short weeks at school. I am so grateful for short weeks at school. Even if they're just Monday off and a four day week. They're the best. And especially when feeling more zombie than human cause you are completely mentally exhausted, it's just nice to have a little break!

2. Christmas music!! Haha. I hope I haven't already used this one in my gratitude list... Though it wouldn't really surprise me if I have. (Currently blasting "All I Want for Christmas is You" at work through my headphones at work.) #Iluhhhit But really. It just makes life so happy. And I feel sorry for the people that only get less than a month of it cause they won't start til after Thanksgiving ;)

3. Hashtags. hah. So this is funny. But legit. And I realize that I use them like a 16 year old teenager. I still blame it on the fact that I was gone when they became a thing so I missed the initial wave and then got home a year after they became cool and started using them... #maB #cantstopwontstop hah. But seriously. They're the best. I especially like using them when hacking someone's facebook. (You can thank Matthew for that :P) 

Well! I am happy! Break is here! The bestttttt.

L'évangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Day 16!

Today I am grateful for:

1. Boots. I know. Slightly random. But seriously. Boots have been my lifesavers recently. Especially because sometimes I have to dress up for performances or other things which means skirts. In 20° weather. NOT FUN. However, when you pair that cute lil skirt or dress with boots, suddenly you do not hate life as much being outside at 7 in the morning, because the skirt is covering the upper half of your legs and the boots are covering the bottom half. It's sooo great! haha. And yes. I totes am rocking this look right now because I went to the temple early this morning. Anyways. Boots are the best. Also, after much observation, reflection, and asking friends that were here during 2012-2014, I've decided that Ugg Boots are no longer a thing... So I'm gonna try and stop wearing those. hah.

2. These cuties!
Bella and Lizzy! My nieces.

They are just sooo cute! I getta go hang out with them later today and I'm stoked. They are both hilarious and getting so big! Bella is turning 5 at the beginning of next year. Which is pretty weird just cause I was there and remember pretty vividly the day she was born. #whatthe It's crazy. But they are just so great and always happy to greet me and I luh them! We always have fun together

3. Sunshine! So I grew up in the PNW my whole life. So rain didn't ever really bug me. But ever since going on my mission to New Caledonia and coming back, the gray and rain haven't really been my thing. So I am grateful to be living in Utah! Where, even though it is rather cold outside, especially right now, it is usually sunny! And there are blue skies. Which I just really love. It's the best! I feel like the sun helps me be happy when life seems hard.

Well! L'évangile est vrai!

Love, Pono 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Day 14 and 15!

I just am never around computers on Thursdays. Mais bon. Yesterday! Grateful for:

1. BYU Philharmonic. On Wednesday night we got to play our concert for the semester. And it was THE BEST!! I love playing in this wonderful orchestra. It's so fun! We gotta play such good music. Like Prokofiev 5. So good. I still remember the day I got in for the first time. I was stoked. And I try to remember that when I forget to be grateful for rehearsals and all the music playing I getta do in orchestra.

The phil cello section! fall 2015.

2. Nights at the symphony! I am grateful for when I get to go see good orchestras live!! Last night I went to Utah Symphony with a friend and it was sooo beautiful! And great. hah. And the whole evening was made when Thierry Fischer hit something with his baton and somehow broke it, (it wasn't quite in half... but it was a good chunk). Anyways, it was way funny. And the concertmaster like kicked it under his chair. But, after the concert, we went up to the front and I awkwardly started a conversation with this violinist and was like, "Hey beautiful job tonight! And I was wondering if you would mind tossing me that piece of baton..." haha. SHE LOOKED AT ME LIKE I WAS CRAZYYY. But it was hilarious. AND totes worth it! As I am now the proud owner of part of Fischer's baton when he conducted Mahler 6 at BYU. hah.

3. The feeling you get after you turn in a HUGE research paper! I turned in my big 303 paper yesterday on Ein Heldenleben. And I'm sooo happy that it's outta my hands! #feelsgood 

And today! I am grateful for:

1. Modern Family. Hahah. This show is hilarious. I'm watching it now and it makes me laugh. Phil Dunphy is my hero. The only thing is it kinda makes me miss Elise. hah. Cause we would watch it together.

2. BYU Basketball Games! I decided to get an all sports pass for the rest of the year and I'm going to my first basketball game tonight! It's gonna be so fun! I am excited. Basketball is always the best. It reminds me of the glory days! #Jimmer4lyfe

3. Fridays. I know. Cliché. But really. I legitimately listened to the Glee version of Rebecca Black's "Friday" right when I got to work this morning cause I was so excited it's Friday! hah. #nofriends But really though. They're just the best. I work a lot on Fridays cause class wise I only have Baroque from 1-3. So it's kinda nice. It's usually just relaxed. No pressure. I luh it.

Well, L'évangile est vrai!

Love, Pono 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Day 13!

Today I am grateful for:

1. French! I dunno why it just hit me today, but French is so very beautiful. And I am so grateful to speak it! C'est bien la langue de mon coeur. And I miss speaking it 24/7. So sometimes I just throw out random French words/phrases parce que ça me manque GRAVEEE. #maisbon Anyways. Je suis bien benie de pouvoir parler cette belle langue.

2. Birthdays! It was my friend David's birthday today. And we played slash sang happy birthday for him like three times in an hour. haha. #musicmajorprobs #wethinkwearehilar But it was so fun! First Forrest started playing happy birthday on the piano instead of accompanying him like he was supposed to. And then we played a cello trio version before starting Popper (thanks Clark!) hah. And then we played for him in phil before we started rehearsing. So much fun. Anyways. Birthdays are my fave. I luh them.

3. Accidental twinning. Bahaha. So this last one is funny... I was legitimately twinsies with Kory the other day as I walked into phil. We were both wearing dark turtlenecks. haha. And then it happened today again. With Dr. Morgan... We were like seriously wearing the same outfit. Brown boots, black pants, denim blouse, etc. I was just missing her yellow cardigan. But we were like dressed the same. KRAY. Haha. I don't even know how it happened. Anyways. It was funny. Also, apparently I dress maturely for my age... Or something.

Well! That's all for now! Phil concert tonight! It's gonna be soooo good!!

L'évangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Day 12.

Today I am grateful for

1. Crazy bowling! Its so fun! hah. I crazy bowled with a friend today and it was great. Except... that awkward moment you bowl left handed and almost put a dent in the lane because you throw the ball so hard. Or fall over after dizzy bowling cause you can't see straight. hah. But there were also sweeeet moments. like when you get a strike off speed bowling. SOOO COOL. And still bummed I didn't video that... Anyways. It's way fun. And sure to make you laugh :]

2. Chamber music. A couple things made me realize that I am grateful for this today. So this morning I got the chance to rehearse Popper's Requiem for three cellos with Stephanie and Kelly and it was sooo fun! And beautiful. I'm not doing straight up chamber music right now (just baroque) so I miss it and am really excited every time I getta do anything remotely chamber music like. I also got to go to a chamber music masterclass today with the Lydian string quarter. And it was really good! I learned lots! And enjoyed learning and observing.

3. ULTIMATEEE! So, just to be clear here. I am grateful for the beautiful game and also for the wonderful people with whom I play and have been playing for several years now. Ever since that fateful freshman year at Helaman. haha. But seriously... I'm on an intramural team right now (17 Again.) And we're doing pretty good. We're in the semi-finals right now, 4 teams left! And it's been so fun to play frisbee and just run around like a crazy person. We have a game tonight and I'm excited for it! Even though it's literally gonna be 28 degrees... #maisbon I'm STOKED. Here goes!

And that's all for today, folks! I'm grateful for this beautiful life!

L'evangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

Monday, November 16, 2015

Day 11.

Today I am grateful for:

1. Straight hair. Haha. made especially grateful by the fact that it took me more than an hour to straighten yesterday... haha. But seriously. I just like it. Even though my mom does not. hah. It's just fun to change it up once in a while. Plus I think it kinda freaks people out, myself included. hah.

2. Vending machines! Because some days, especially as a college student, you have to survive off of them. Like today for example... Mais ce n'est pas grave. Je serai chez moi dans moins que deux heures. Et là, je vais bien manger.

3. THIS SUHHWEEET SPEECH that reminds me many days why I do what I do.
But seriously... Give it a read. I love it. And as we talked about it today in string lit, it kinda rekindled the fire, which has mostly been wavering cause I'm just tired. But I love music and it is important because of what this speech explains.

Anyways, today's is short. But! Life is great! I'm grateful to be focusing on things that I am grateful for. I think it's helping me better see God's hand in my life!

Well, l'evangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Day 10.

Today I am grateful for:

1. Sunday dinners with family. I have three brothers in Utah with me, and they are married to three wonderful sister-in-laws, and two adorable nieces. Sometimes we get together on Sunday night and it is always so good! I love my family and I'm so grateful for them and for their love and support! I love spending time with them and getting to talk and catch up. It's so fun.

2. My own washer and dryer. I'm living in a condo this year and it has its own washer and dryer. It's the best. Ever. Yesterday I did three loads of laundry in the comfort of my own home. It's so happy!! I dunno if I'll ever be able to go back...

3. BYU Chamber Orchestra. Being in the chamber orchestra has been such a great experience for me! It has helped me learn to play more cleanly, and has helped me become a  more confident player. Yesterday night, we had our chamber concert and it was so fun!! I loved getting to play on the dejong with all those great musicians and getting to play such wonderful music! #thatHaydnsymphonytho it's so good. I will miss rehearsing every Tuesday but I'm excited for next semester. So fun!
Smooz and Megs came to my concert last night!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Day 9!

Today I am grateful for:

1. Soccer. I gotta play for the first time in a long time this morning. And it was so much fun! I love running around like a crazy, playing with friends, smack talking, and yelling in frustration when I don't quite hit goal. All of it! It's so fun. I gotta take intermediate soccer over spring term and it was so fun! And ever since then it's kinda re-become a love of my life. haha. Like when I was five!

2. Getting texts from home like this... 

But really... My family is hilarious. And sometimes they like to do what I do. And I just love hearing about it cause it makes me laugh :)

3. Car talks. I'm not talking like npr or the news or anything. I'm talking about good ones with friends. I've had so many just good moments sitting in my car or a friend's car and just talking about life, the gospel, boys, music, etc. And they are always sooo good. The talks. And the words of wisdom exchanged. So I'm just real grateful for them and for good friends that are willing to take time out of their busy schedules to talk and to listen.

Well, I am happy. Life is so good. It's busy, but it's wonderful. And I am so blessed!

L'évangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

Friday, November 13, 2015

DAY 7. and 8.

So I missed yesterday... That never happens ;) hah. It's just cause Thursdays are my day where I literally don't use a computer all day because I'm in the HFAC for class, playing cello, teaching lessons, or having my own lesson. I don't work in the HLR at all that day.

Anyways, I still thought of things that I am grateful for! And here they are:

1. Good teachers. Some of the teachers that I've had in my life have really shaped me and molded me for the better. I guess I was thinking about this today cause I had a cello lesson and it was a kinda luke warm one. Like it was not very good. At least from my perspective. But my teacher was still able to help me work on things and knowhow I could improve and be better. I am grateful for all of the cello teachers that I've had. They have helped me come to love this instrument and have helped me want to push forward even when it's hard.

2. I'm grateful that I get to teach! I started teaching 160R cello lessons at BYU this semester and it has been SOOO MUCH FUN!! Like I literally have never had so much fun in my life. I dunno what it is, but every time I teach I'm just happy and bubbly, which is how I usually am, but even when I'm super tired and haven't slept a ton the night before, I just feel happy! I guess that I hope to someday have the effect on my students that my teachers have had no me. I want to help them! To be that source of inspiration!

3. Cello technique. I know, a weird one. But really! I know that I still have a long way to go, but I feel like I'm a much better player now than I was before my mission and I feel like a lot of the reason is because of all the technique I have done since getting home. So as much as I like to whine about playing thirds and sixths... I really am grateful for them and for how they condition me and help me grow.

And here's for today.

1.  My job slash boss. Ok, but seriously, I am the biggest fan of nepotism in the world. I got this job cause my sister worked here when she was at BYU. So sophomore year, when I was looking for a job, came and talked to Harold about working here. He couldn't give me a job right away, but I left my contact info and he contacted me the next semester. I was stoked. And it has been sooo good ever since. I love this job! It is pretty laid back, but we getta help people and do fun digital conversion projects. Harold is the also the world's best boss. Not only has he taught me everything I know, but he is sincerely interested in helping us and in our lives. He has come to my last two concerts just because, and he is so kind! He also speaks French! Which is pretty fun. Anddd, not to go on too long about this, but my co-workers are also the best. We are tighhht. We love each other and support each other. We talk and laugh together maybe too much at times, but it's so fun. Anyways, I just said like three in one here, mais bon.

2. Baroque Ensemble! I getta play with this wonderful group this year and it is so much fun! I love playing on baroque instruments and just playing the beautiful music we getta play with this group! It is way fun. Today we were sitting in a circle (cause we're doing Vivaldi's concerto for four violins.) And it kinda just hit me how blessed I was to be there! #thatmusictho It is just so beautiful! We had our concert last week, and it was so fun! And we are doing one more mini one! For concerts at noon on December 4th. So come if you're free! It's gonna be good.

3. Performing! I am grateful that I get to perform as much as I do. It's so fun! And it really is getting to be a more enjoyable experience every time. It used to freak me out. And I would freeze and just not do well. And I still have my moments, a week ago on Friday at concerts at noon I got nervous playing Elgar, which was kinda weird, cause that hasn't happened in awhile and that piece is my jammm. But it's so fun and I get excited every chance I get to perform. I used to make it a goal to perform once a day for someone, and I might try to start doing that again cause it's good preparation for the big stuff, like recitals!

Well, I am grateful for all these things and more! God is good.

L'evangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 6.

I'm blogging! On the actual day that I'm supposed to! hah. All my tests for the week are done! Now I just got cello stuff for the rest of the week! And then I gotta get crackin' on some papers. Cause I have two due next week. And one of them's the BIG one.

Anyways! Today I am grateful for:

1. Planning! I know, I know #nofriends #butreally It's just the best! And it makes me feel prepared and like I'm ready to take on the world. I think I've kinda always been a "planner," but serving a mission kinda turned me into an OCD crazy, (I need to plan every hour of my day.) I think it's calming though, to have that plan and to sit down and plan everything out. So I like it, a lot. Anyways, here's an example of something that I probably get a little too much enjoyment out of...

My work availability for winter semester.

2. Advertising! Apparently today is the day of things I'm grateful for that I love to do! But really, I love advertising. I love sharing things on social media, inviting people to things, etc. It's just real fun. I think I caught that bug in Women's Chorus. I'm convinced that the BYU choirs are the bet advertisers in the world. They're real good. And that's really where I learned it. Ok, and because I love advertising so much, I'm going to do it again. Here! BYU Chamber Orchestra is having its first concert this Saturday the 14th at 7:30. And its gonna be ep! Also, the phil concert is a week from today! Wednesday the 18th at 7:30. Oh man, so much good music!! So come if you're free! It's in the de Jong of the HFAC. 

And here's all the info for that. It's gonna be good.

3. 'Merica. But in all serious, since it is Veteran's day, I thought I'd express my gratitude for this incredible country! I love it so much and I'm so grateful to live here. I seriously had a harder time when I was on my mission missing the 4th of July than I did missing the two Christmases. I dunno why, but it was rough. So I wore red, white, and blue that day and wrote out all the words to every american piece of music I could think of and made my Tahitian companion sing them with me. hah. I was a crazy person... Anyways, everything about this country is incredible. The miracle of how it came to be, the freedoms we enjoy, and God's hand in all. I love this country! 

Well! L'evangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day 3. And 4. And 5.

#yikes. I'm not doing so well. hah. But I have been thinking of things that I'm grateful for these past few days. So, here goes.

Oh! Also, pictures may be a little more sparse from here on out, because I am fb fasting basically til this thing is over. So I'll have to get pics from either my phone or computer.

Ok, Day 3. I am grateful for:

1. Harry Potter. I know, it's silly. But I just really like it a lot! I got to go to an EPIC HP party on Saturday night. (Thanks Rach), and it was so fun. Everyone was in costume and looked so good and I just had a good time geekin' out. haha. But really. Also, I started reading them in French this summer, but then school started again and life got kray. But I will do that hopefully this summer. Anyways, all this to say, #HP4lyfe and also, I'm starting to be more ok with being a Hufflepuff. But that's a different story for a different time. 

me (Bertie Botts), Forrest ("Jo" Chang), Joseph (Malfoy), Kirsten (Prof. Trelawney), Clark (Bertie Botts), and Devan (a Gryffindor student).

2. Sundays. I'll be honest. At first I was just gonna call this section "Sunday naps." And I can't promise that that won't be one later... But Sundays are so wonderful! I feel like they are my chance to recharge and kinda just "gird up my loins" for the week. (K fine, I really just wanted to say "gird up my loins" there...) But in all seriousness, Sundays are beautiful! I love everything about them. I love that they are different and special from every other day when we choose to make them so. I love that we get to go to church and learn and hear the spirit speak to us. I love that we get to take the sacrament and renew our covenants; that it is a chance for a clean slate. I love singing hymns. I love testifying of gospel truths, whether it be through teaching, conducting, or simply commenting in class. I just love them. 

3. Church callings. I am grateful for my current calling and for previous ones that have I have been given! They are wonderful. I love getting to help serve God's children and getting to help build the kingdom here on earth. It is the best! I love learning from those with whom I serve and from those I serve. Right now I am a counselor in the Relief Society and it has been so fun and just rewarding to get to know all the sisters in my ward. My ward is full of rock stars. They are all incredible ladies that have a great desire to do what's right and to serve the Lord. I am inspired by them and by how they live their sometimes difficult and whirlwind full lives. I want to be more like them! We got to have a dinner at Bishop's where we talked about our theme and just got to eat dinner and chat. It was so fun.

All of us at Bishop and Sister Cook's.

Ok, moving on to day 4. Which was yesterday. hah. I'm getting there.
I am grateful for:

1. Sharp end pins. This is another kinda goofy, but I'm being completely serious one. I got my end pin sharpened this weekend and it is THE BEST! Not to be dramatic or anything. Like I could impale someone with it right now it is so sharp. Which means! My end pin will never slip again! At least not for awhile ;) hah. I did however, feel pretty sketch carrying it around, so I'm glad it's back in my cello so people don't think I have some sort of dangerous weapon.

2. Frostys. #butseriously I don't know if there is anything in this world that can't be made better with a chocolate Frosty from Wendy's. They are just sooo good. I am a big fan. 
Don't worry, I was at a red light and wasn't even looking at the camera.

3. Good roommates. I am grateful for good roommates to laugh with and talk about boys to and have fun with. I have only actually known ALL of my roommates twice here at BYU, so that was way fun. But even when I've lived with random people or have only known my room roommate, I feel like I've lucked out in that department. And this year is no exception. It has been so fun! I'm also grateful for the ones that put a blanket over you when you fall asleep on the couch before they go to sleep in your actual room. (J-Dawg, you da best.)

Ok! And day 5. Today. 

It is only the morning, but I already have my things! Plus, these next 26 ish hours are gonna be kray cause I have to study and write up outlines and finish listening for my string lit test tomorrow morning at 10...

Anyways! Today's three things! I am grateful for:

1. Warm clothes. It's starting to get cold out and when I saw that the high was going to be 39 degrees today I bundled up. (Long sleeve shirt, jeans, ugg boots-- uh quick question, are these still like in style? Cause I was gone a couple years. I mean I know that they were never attractive... But I just like them cause they're fuzzy and warm!-- mittens, North Face, etc.) But I am grateful to be able to have the clothing that I need to bundle up as much as my weird internal thermometer needs to feel warm and cozy even outside. I know that that is a big blessing.

2. I am grateful for classical music. I'm working on completing my four hours of listening that I need to turn in for string lit tomorrow. And up til today I accidentally put it off and only did 45 mins... So today I gotta get in 3 hours and 15 mins. And I don't even mind it! This music-- Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven-- is sooo beautiful and I believe inspired. I could literally listen to nothing but this and I think I would still love it. It's like the pizza of the music. It never gets old.

3. I'm grateful for my education. I was thinking about it the other day, and I think sometimes I tend to whine about it. Don't get me wrong, I've always loved the being in class lectures and the actual learning of new things, but I tend to whine about the hw, the tests, etc. And really, I shouldn't be. Cause how blessed am I? To be studying what I love most at BYU! It is the best. And I am so grateful to be here and to be getting an education! And I can't wait to keep learning and growing.

Well, that's all for now. Life is grand! Don't forget to count your blessings! Cause there is so much to be grateful for!

L'evangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 2

Sooo, I actually decided that we're just gonna say I started on Friday... Cause blogging once a day is already hard. Twice in a day may be impossible.

So here goes, day two for Saturday the seventh. Three things that I am grateful for!

1. The temple! I gotta go last night and man do I love that place. It is the world's greatest. I've loved the temple for a long time, I think it may have started when my oldest sister Mele challenged me my freshman year at BYU to go every week; since I could cause the baptistry is always open. I've tried to do that since then. And my love for it has continued to grow as I've attended. It also grew on my mission because of the New Caledonian people's love for it. (But that's another story for another time, when I talk about those people.) But I think I love the temple most not because I understand it all, or even because I get all my answers to everything there, (thought I do and have received answers there.) But I love it the most because of the overwhelming peace and calm I feel there; the shelter it is from the outside storms and hardships of life. I often find myself not wanting to leave; just wanting to LIVE in the temple because of the peace and love of my Heavenly Father that I feel there. I luh the temple and am grateful to live so close to so many. They are truly the house of the Lord.

I love to see the temple! Oquirrh Mountain Temple (August or September of 2014.) As part of the continuing temple project.

2. Sleep. So here's the thing. I might lose some street cred for this, cause my fave catch phrases are "sleep is for n00bs" and "I'll sleep when I'm dead." But guys, I slept last night. for like 9 hours. And it was WONDERFUL. I slept in this morning til 8:45, and it was glorious. I don't remember the last time I've slept for that long. And it's the best. My body and mind and spirit and everything just feels more awake and alive and I think I might be happier! hah. But seriously. Sleep is good. And I should try and be better about it. Which is hard when school's in sesh, but I'll see what I can do. And for your viewing pleasure... I've selected a few of my fave sleeping shots. All of which came to pass because I finally stopped moving and so, consequently, passed out. And there's more where these came from. HA. Enjoy!

This was at Park Plaza last year. During Mulan. 

Church. Third hour got me baaad.

And this was at Elise's house. I somehow fell asleep during WWZ. Even though it was terrifying... hah. Also, my friends are hilar.

3. I am grateful for hot chocolate. I think I like it so much cause it's chocolate which is delicious. And it's hot. It literally warms up your insides when it's cold out! (Kinda like butterbeer, but in real life.) Anyways, it's delicious. And I can already tell I'm gonna be drinking A LOT of it this season startingggg NOW. 

Well, à demain! 
L'evangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

Friday, November 6, 2015

Day 1

So I was supposed to post this one last night... But I couldn't find my power cord for my laptop. Which is #badnewsbears when your laptop only works when it's plugged in :)

Anyways! Today, or yesterday, I am grateful for:

1.) The Book of Mormon.
I love this book so much! I know that it is scripture and that it truly testifies of Christ and His Atonement. It shows us again and again that because of Christ and through Him we can do all things! I got to read my scriptures before I left the house yesterday, which I don't do a lot, but I think I'm going to try to do more, cause it helps so much!

Qu'est-ce que j'aime ce livre!

2.) This little reminder!

photo cred: Megan Santos

I know it's kinda silly... And I know I've been home for more than 18 months now, but I love seeing my plaque everyday. I have one on my scriptures and one in my cello case. And I think I just like it being so visible because it helps me remember.  Remember who I was during the time I served, but more importantly, who I am becoming because of this springboard experience. 

3.) BYU choirs. And especially BYU Women's Chorus! Which I gotta be apart of for three years. And I was thinking about it... And I'm probably gonna do it next fall. My last semester here. Cause well, it's the best. And I went to the Men's Chorus and Women's Chorus fall concert yesterday night and was just inspired! They are beautiful. And I'm grateful for the testimonies last night that strengthened mine through the beautiful music that was shared. 

From April 2015, the HFAC's 50th birthday gala.

Well, that's all for now. But I'll be back. 

L'evangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

On being grateful.

So I saw this picture on fb today and it totally caught my eye. Because I wanna try it and see if it really works. Cause honestly, sometimes its easy to be sad or tired and just slump through life, complaining and stressed out. But November is a month of gratitude, and I want to find the joy that we were sent here to have! So its happening. I will start tomorrow. But in excited to do his little experiment. Well, à demain!

L'evangile est vrai!