Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 2

Sooo, I actually decided that we're just gonna say I started on Friday... Cause blogging once a day is already hard. Twice in a day may be impossible.

So here goes, day two for Saturday the seventh. Three things that I am grateful for!

1. The temple! I gotta go last night and man do I love that place. It is the world's greatest. I've loved the temple for a long time, I think it may have started when my oldest sister Mele challenged me my freshman year at BYU to go every week; since I could cause the baptistry is always open. I've tried to do that since then. And my love for it has continued to grow as I've attended. It also grew on my mission because of the New Caledonian people's love for it. (But that's another story for another time, when I talk about those people.) But I think I love the temple most not because I understand it all, or even because I get all my answers to everything there, (thought I do and have received answers there.) But I love it the most because of the overwhelming peace and calm I feel there; the shelter it is from the outside storms and hardships of life. I often find myself not wanting to leave; just wanting to LIVE in the temple because of the peace and love of my Heavenly Father that I feel there. I luh the temple and am grateful to live so close to so many. They are truly the house of the Lord.

I love to see the temple! Oquirrh Mountain Temple (August or September of 2014.) As part of the continuing temple project.

2. Sleep. So here's the thing. I might lose some street cred for this, cause my fave catch phrases are "sleep is for n00bs" and "I'll sleep when I'm dead." But guys, I slept last night. for like 9 hours. And it was WONDERFUL. I slept in this morning til 8:45, and it was glorious. I don't remember the last time I've slept for that long. And it's the best. My body and mind and spirit and everything just feels more awake and alive and I think I might be happier! hah. But seriously. Sleep is good. And I should try and be better about it. Which is hard when school's in sesh, but I'll see what I can do. And for your viewing pleasure... I've selected a few of my fave sleeping shots. All of which came to pass because I finally stopped moving and so, consequently, passed out. And there's more where these came from. HA. Enjoy!

This was at Park Plaza last year. During Mulan. 

Church. Third hour got me baaad.

And this was at Elise's house. I somehow fell asleep during WWZ. Even though it was terrifying... hah. Also, my friends are hilar.

3. I am grateful for hot chocolate. I think I like it so much cause it's chocolate which is delicious. And it's hot. It literally warms up your insides when it's cold out! (Kinda like butterbeer, but in real life.) Anyways, it's delicious. And I can already tell I'm gonna be drinking A LOT of it this season startingggg NOW. 

Well, à demain! 
L'evangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

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