Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day 3. And 4. And 5.

#yikes. I'm not doing so well. hah. But I have been thinking of things that I'm grateful for these past few days. So, here goes.

Oh! Also, pictures may be a little more sparse from here on out, because I am fb fasting basically til this thing is over. So I'll have to get pics from either my phone or computer.

Ok, Day 3. I am grateful for:

1. Harry Potter. I know, it's silly. But I just really like it a lot! I got to go to an EPIC HP party on Saturday night. (Thanks Rach), and it was so fun. Everyone was in costume and looked so good and I just had a good time geekin' out. haha. But really. Also, I started reading them in French this summer, but then school started again and life got kray. But I will do that hopefully this summer. Anyways, all this to say, #HP4lyfe and also, I'm starting to be more ok with being a Hufflepuff. But that's a different story for a different time. 

me (Bertie Botts), Forrest ("Jo" Chang), Joseph (Malfoy), Kirsten (Prof. Trelawney), Clark (Bertie Botts), and Devan (a Gryffindor student).

2. Sundays. I'll be honest. At first I was just gonna call this section "Sunday naps." And I can't promise that that won't be one later... But Sundays are so wonderful! I feel like they are my chance to recharge and kinda just "gird up my loins" for the week. (K fine, I really just wanted to say "gird up my loins" there...) But in all seriousness, Sundays are beautiful! I love everything about them. I love that they are different and special from every other day when we choose to make them so. I love that we get to go to church and learn and hear the spirit speak to us. I love that we get to take the sacrament and renew our covenants; that it is a chance for a clean slate. I love singing hymns. I love testifying of gospel truths, whether it be through teaching, conducting, or simply commenting in class. I just love them. 

3. Church callings. I am grateful for my current calling and for previous ones that have I have been given! They are wonderful. I love getting to help serve God's children and getting to help build the kingdom here on earth. It is the best! I love learning from those with whom I serve and from those I serve. Right now I am a counselor in the Relief Society and it has been so fun and just rewarding to get to know all the sisters in my ward. My ward is full of rock stars. They are all incredible ladies that have a great desire to do what's right and to serve the Lord. I am inspired by them and by how they live their sometimes difficult and whirlwind full lives. I want to be more like them! We got to have a dinner at Bishop's where we talked about our theme and just got to eat dinner and chat. It was so fun.

All of us at Bishop and Sister Cook's.

Ok, moving on to day 4. Which was yesterday. hah. I'm getting there.
I am grateful for:

1. Sharp end pins. This is another kinda goofy, but I'm being completely serious one. I got my end pin sharpened this weekend and it is THE BEST! Not to be dramatic or anything. Like I could impale someone with it right now it is so sharp. Which means! My end pin will never slip again! At least not for awhile ;) hah. I did however, feel pretty sketch carrying it around, so I'm glad it's back in my cello so people don't think I have some sort of dangerous weapon.

2. Frostys. #butseriously I don't know if there is anything in this world that can't be made better with a chocolate Frosty from Wendy's. They are just sooo good. I am a big fan. 
Don't worry, I was at a red light and wasn't even looking at the camera.

3. Good roommates. I am grateful for good roommates to laugh with and talk about boys to and have fun with. I have only actually known ALL of my roommates twice here at BYU, so that was way fun. But even when I've lived with random people or have only known my room roommate, I feel like I've lucked out in that department. And this year is no exception. It has been so fun! I'm also grateful for the ones that put a blanket over you when you fall asleep on the couch before they go to sleep in your actual room. (J-Dawg, you da best.)

Ok! And day 5. Today. 

It is only the morning, but I already have my things! Plus, these next 26 ish hours are gonna be kray cause I have to study and write up outlines and finish listening for my string lit test tomorrow morning at 10...

Anyways! Today's three things! I am grateful for:

1. Warm clothes. It's starting to get cold out and when I saw that the high was going to be 39 degrees today I bundled up. (Long sleeve shirt, jeans, ugg boots-- uh quick question, are these still like in style? Cause I was gone a couple years. I mean I know that they were never attractive... But I just like them cause they're fuzzy and warm!-- mittens, North Face, etc.) But I am grateful to be able to have the clothing that I need to bundle up as much as my weird internal thermometer needs to feel warm and cozy even outside. I know that that is a big blessing.

2. I am grateful for classical music. I'm working on completing my four hours of listening that I need to turn in for string lit tomorrow. And up til today I accidentally put it off and only did 45 mins... So today I gotta get in 3 hours and 15 mins. And I don't even mind it! This music-- Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven-- is sooo beautiful and I believe inspired. I could literally listen to nothing but this and I think I would still love it. It's like the pizza of the music. It never gets old.

3. I'm grateful for my education. I was thinking about it the other day, and I think sometimes I tend to whine about it. Don't get me wrong, I've always loved the being in class lectures and the actual learning of new things, but I tend to whine about the hw, the tests, etc. And really, I shouldn't be. Cause how blessed am I? To be studying what I love most at BYU! It is the best. And I am so grateful to be here and to be getting an education! And I can't wait to keep learning and growing.

Well, that's all for now. Life is grand! Don't forget to count your blessings! Cause there is so much to be grateful for!

L'evangile est vrai!

Love, Pono

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